
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This honestly just about gave me a heart attack.

I was gonna make a post complaining how my castle went into a hill, so I started to make a video of the castle. (Not posting the video, it's dark and bad quality.) Seeing it was nighttime, I decided to go into my bed- Which is in the middle of the hills, out in the open. And I forgot I wasn't on Peaceful, because I'm usually on Peaceful when I'm building a shelter, and when I'm finished I turn it on Easy/Normal, not too crazy about Hard. So I lay down, and suddenly see a huge group of zombies moaning and walking towards my bed. I freak out and instantly pause the game to change it to Peaceful.
See, normally that wouldn't scare me, but since it was night and I was stuck in my bed, unable to fight them, adding to the fact that it was also around midnight and I have bad eyesight, they were really scary looking to me. ;~;

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