
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I made a squid aquarium and I took screenshots of it to show all the people who are cool and watch this blog.
(Current count: 0 people)

Feedback anyone?

This honestly just about gave me a heart attack.

I was gonna make a post complaining how my castle went into a hill, so I started to make a video of the castle. (Not posting the video, it's dark and bad quality.) Seeing it was nighttime, I decided to go into my bed- Which is in the middle of the hills, out in the open. And I forgot I wasn't on Peaceful, because I'm usually on Peaceful when I'm building a shelter, and when I'm finished I turn it on Easy/Normal, not too crazy about Hard. So I lay down, and suddenly see a huge group of zombies moaning and walking towards my bed. I freak out and instantly pause the game to change it to Peaceful.
See, normally that wouldn't scare me, but since it was night and I was stuck in my bed, unable to fight them, adding to the fact that it was also around midnight and I have bad eyesight, they were really scary looking to me. ;~;


I was walking up the slope of my super awesome rollercoaster when OUT OF NOWHERE a chicken smacked into my head and nearly knocked me off. I mean really, what kind of chicken flies at someone's face and tries to knock them off of their own rollercoaster?
Also, guess what it did after it failed to kill me? IT SAT IN THE CART AND WAITED FOR ME TO START THE COASTER. That thing had nerve. So I took it's nerve and sliced it with my diamond pickaxe.

Sorry for the bad quality, but I was surprised my recorder could even tape it without lag.
Anyways, that chicken totally deserved what it got.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I had to do this.


This is somewhat self-explanitory, right?
He meets my expectations perfectly.
The texture pack is Jolicraft, in case you're wondering.

Yay, new blog.

Here is where I'll post all my angry thoughts and vent my frustration because Minecraft is unfair to me.
Ok, here we go.